standard mhfa.

The Standard Mental Health First Aid course will teach you how to provide initial support to other adults who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.


who should do this course?

This course is particularly suitable for corporates/businesses, community organisations or any interested adults who want to enhance their knowledge and skills.

what is covered?

Throughout this course, you will learn about:

  • Signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adults (depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance use disorders)

  • Providing initial help

  • Where and how to get professional support

  • Effective treatments for mental health problems

  • Mental health crisis situations and how to provide first aid (mental health crisis situations that are covered in this course include suicidal thoughts and behaviours, non-suicidal self-injury, panic attacks, traumatic events, severe effects of drug or alcohol use, severe psychotic states and aggressive behaviours)

how long is the course?

This is a 12 hour course, which can be delivered:


  • 2-day training package (6 hours per day)

  • 4 separate modules (3 hours each)

Blended (learning modules required)

  • 2 x 2.5 hour Zoom sessions

  • A half day (4-5 hour) workshop in person