What I do for my self care, as a therapist.

Some people seem to have this perception that mental health professionals have perfect mental health. And just like the idea that your GP can never get sick, this is total rubbish! We’re all only human after all! But, as someone working in the mental health space as a therapist and educator, when my mental wellbeing takes a dive, I know what to do to start feeling like myself again.

Here’s the thing, working in mental health can be really rewarding, and also really challenging too. So when we pair that with everything going on in the world at the moment, as well as the usual ups and downs of modern life, it’s really important to me that I actively work on my mental wellbeing - to show up as my best self for me, and my clients. 

So what does this therapist do for her mental health?

Here are my top self care activities that I do on the regular to keep on top of my mental fitness and help me feel my best:

Going for regular walks. 

The holy trinity: time outside, alone with music, and moving my body, going for a stroll taps into the three things I know always help me feel good! Which is why going for a walk is one of my most effective ways to either clear my mind, be present, or work through a problem I have. It doesn’t have to be a 2 hour marathon, but even just a 20 minute walk through the neighbourhood can make a world of difference for me!

Taking time out.

Parents and teachers often send kids to time out when they need to calm down, and I think that’s not such a bad idea for adults, too. I’m not saying I put myself in the corner until I calm down, but if I notice that I’m not in the right headspace to do something, whether it’s work or personal related, I’ll take some time. Rather than persevering through feelings like overwhelm, stress or fear, I think it’s important to prioritise myself and my mental health and take a moment to do whatever I need in that moment. 


An old favourite for me, that I’ve recently started to enjoy and regularly practice again! For me, yoga helps me to keep grounded, centred and shifts my mood. I feel like I can better cope with challenging thoughts or situations after attending a yoga class - and it’s incred for the nervous system too! 


I have probably talked everyone’s ear off about how much I love therapy. Even though it can be hard at times, especially if I’m working through challenging emotions or difficult situations, I love that I have my designated hour that’s all about me, and I have someone there to non-judgementally help me. Therapy has consistently been one of my biggest acts of self-care for years now, and I think it’s important to make it a regular habit, even when you’re feeling good - so that you’re better prepared for when you’re feeling low. 


I love reading. I go through phases of how often I read, but I know for a fact that spending some time in the pages is waaaay better for me than doom-scrolling TikTok. I find that reading automatically calms me down and redirects my attention away from things that may be weighing me down.


In all honesty, I’m still finding my rhythm with exercise as I find my exercise routine often changes, and that’s okay. You don’t have to try a form of exercise once and then stick with it forever. I used to love going to the gym, and now I’m more interested in barre classes and looking at ways to get back into dancing and lyra. For me, it’s all about finding a form of movement I enjoy - so if I start getting bored of one type of exercise, that’s fine! It means I can move on and try something else or come back to an old favourite instead. 

Not only does self-care help our own emotional and mental state, but if we look after ourselves,

it also helps us to look after those around us too.

Remember - you have to put on your own oxygen mask before helping the people around you!!
What does self-care look like in your life?


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