Standard Mental Health First Aid (online)

from A$200.00

who should do this course?

This course is suitable for any interested adults who want to enhance their knowledge and skills.

what is covered?

Throughout this course, you will learn about:

  • Signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adults (depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance use disorders)

  • Providing initial help

  • Where and how to get professional support

  • Effective treatments for mental health problems

  • Mental health crisis situations and how to provide first aid (mental health crisis situations that are covered in this course include suicidal thoughts and behaviours, non-suicidal self-injury, panic attacks, traumatic events, severe effects of drug or alcohol use, severe psychotic states and aggressive behaviours)

how long is the course?

This is a 12 hour course, delivered through 2 x 2.5 hour Zoom sessions (learning modules required).

how much does it cost?

If you have previously purchased the e-learning, the course is $200 + gst.

If you do not already have the e-learning modules, the course is $300 + gst.

have you already purchased e-learning modules?:
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